
  1. Open Twitter App: Launch the Twitter app on your mobile device or visit the Twitter website on your computer. Ensure you’re logged into your Twitter account.

  2. Compose a Tweet: Tap on the blue feather icon (mobile) or the “Tweet” button (web) to compose a new tweet.

  3. Access Live Video: Tap on the camera icon (mobile) or the “Live” option (web) to access live video functionality. On mobile, this is usually located next to the camera roll icon.

  4. Set Up Your Live Video: Before going live, you can add a description to your broadcast by typing in the text box provided. You can also enable or disable features like location tagging and guest invites, depending on your preferences.

  5. Check Your Camera and Microphone: Make sure your camera and microphone are enabled and working properly. You can do this by tapping on the respective icons.

  6. Start Your Live Video: Once you’re ready, tap the “Go Live” button (mobile) or the “Start Broadcast” button (web) to begin broadcasting. Twitter will count down from 3 before your live video begins.

  7. Interact with Viewers: During your live broadcast, viewers can send comments and reactions. You can respond to their comments and engage with your audience in real-time by tapping on the comment section.

  8. End Your Live Video: When you’re ready to finish your broadcast, tap the “End” button at the top right corner of the screen (mobile) or the “Stop Broadcast” button (web). Twitter will ask you to confirm that you want to end the live video.

  9. Save or Share Your Video: After ending your live video, Twitter will give you the option to save the broadcast to your camera roll or share it to your profile. You can also choose to delete the video if you don’t want to keep it.